KCS-55A System
This remote-mounted KCS 55A Compass System from Pacific Coast Avionics is an affordable automatic slaving compass system, automatically displaying precise aircraft magnetic heading without manual setting, for your aircraft. With remote electric gyro, the KCS 55A compass system includes a KI 525A HSI, KG 102A Directional Gyro, KMT 112 Magnetic Slaving Transmitter, and a KA 51B Slaving Control Compensator unit with bootstrap heading synchro for use with a KI 229 RMI.
The BendixKing KCS 55A Compass System provides the pilot with a simple, comprehensive visual display of the aircraft's heading and position in relation to a desired course.
- Selected VOR/GPS/RNAV or LOC course
- GPS/RNAV/VOR/Localizer deviation
- TO/FROM, GPS/RNAV or VOR indicator
- Glideslope deviation
- Slaved gyro magnetic heading
- Selected heading
But the KCS 55A is considerably more than a visual display; it's a complete slaved compass system that includes a magnetic slaving transmitter, a slaving control and compensator unit, a directional gyro for stabilization of the system, and the Pictorial Navigation Indicator (PNI) itself.
The panel-mounted KI 525A PNI combines the display functions of the standard Directional Gyro with VOR/LOC course deviation indication and Glideslope deviation and flag into one compact display. Consequently, pilot workload is considerably reduced and visual coordination between several separate indicators is eliminated.
The KI 525A simplifies course orientation, intercept and tracking, and will generally result in better piloting technique and skill.