EDM-960 All In One Engine Monitor - Twin Engine System
Part No: EDM-960-4CP-0
EDM-960 All In One Engine Monitor - Twin Engine System
Think of your EDM-960 Twin as your personal flight engineer. Always there, working in the background, constantly watching over your engine while you concentrate on flying the aircraft. Your EDM-960 will be monitoring your engine conditions four times per second and will warn you instantly if any measurement exceeds the programmed limit.
The EDM-960 collects data and displays it for you in a useful way. You can use the EDM-960 to monitor engine temperatures, voltages, adjust the fuel/air mixture and diagnose engine malfunctions.
The EDM-960 is the latest graphic engine analyzer from the JP Instruments and takes the best from their EDM-800 and adds total engine display monitoring including Tach, % Horsepower, Hobbs, Manifold Pressure, EGT, CHT, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, Fuel Flow, Outside Air Temp, Volts, and Amps plus optional Fuel Pressure, Fuel Quantity, and Turbine Intlet Temp. Each individual engine display has a variable scale and alarm limit to fit your particular airplane. As with the popular EDM-700 and EDM-800, the EDM-960 has internal memory that records all engine parameters that can be recalled and displayed on your computer to keep track of the health of your engine.
- Hands-free, automatic scanning
- All programming done from the Front Panel
- LeanFind™ finds the first and last cylinder to peak with true peak detect eliminates false peaks
- Displays both leaned temperature below peak and peak
- Battery voltage with alarm
- Amperes (load or charge/discharge meter)
- Programmable alarm limits
- Normalize view
- Exhaust Gas Temperatures (EGTs) to stable 1°F resolution
- DIF low to high EGT with alarm
- EGTs to stable 1°F resolution
- Shock cooling monitored on every cylinder
- Shock cooling monitored on every cylinder
- User selectable index rate
- Fast response probes
- Non-volatile long term memory
- Records and stores data up to 30 hours
- Post-flight data retrieval
- Download to Palm™ Computer
- Data retrieval software
- Oil pressure
- Oil temperature
- Outside air temperature
- Fuel level
• Pre-Wired Harness for all functions
• Display SVGA
• RPM Prop
• MAP Manifold Pressure
• % HP Percent of Horse Power
• EGT Exhaust Gas Temp.
• CHT Cylinder Head Temp.
• EGT Normalize mode
• LOP/ROP JPI Exclusive Leaning Mode
• O-T Oil Temperature
• O-P Oil Pressure
• F-P Fuel Pressure (when in POH)
• OAT Outside Air Temp.
• VDC Voltage (1)
• AMP Current amps (2 twins)
• Fuel Flow Transducer FlowScan
• GPH Gallons per Hour GPH
• REQ Required to wp or destination
• USD Fuel used
• H:M Endurance Hours and Minutes
• MPG Miles per Gal
• CLD Shock Cooling on ALL cylinders
• DIFF Difference between EGT’s
• USB Memory stick 1 GB
• Data Recording 800 Hrs every 6 sec.
• EZTrends Graphing Software free
• 3 year Warranty
The EDM 960 is a self contained instrument. All functions or channels on the EDM are recorded at an adjustable rate of every 2 to 60 seconds per recording. The EDM-930 is sold in several versions.The display is a TFT, full VGA not 1/4 VGA display. This type of display permits a lot of latitude in placing the gages on the screen. The EDM-930 is sold in several versions.